Energy Transition Program Components
Dartmouth is committed to reaching carbon zero operations by 2050. To reach that goal, we are utilizing a complex system of innovative technologies. These decarbonization components will work together to efficiently meet energy needs, provide necessary backups, and ensure our buildings and systems run efficiently for years to come.

Geo-Exchange Borefields
Geo-exchange borefields are a collection of 800-foot-deep 6” boreholes. The holes are filled with water in a closed loop that is connected to a geo-exchange plant.

Geo-Exchange Plants
New power plants will be built using ground source heat pump technology. This equipment redistributes heat efficiently and is supplemented by the heat transferred through the geo-exchange borefields.

Distribution Piping
We need to update our campus infrastructure to move hot water instead of steam so that we can use heat pump technology at the geo-exchange plant.

Building Conversions
Building conversions are necessary as we develop our geo-exchange system. One common change is replacing radiators to use hot water as a heat source instead of steam. This will improve efficiency, reduce energy waste and get us closer to our goal of zero carbon.

Heating Plant Upgrades
Heating plant upgrades are planned at Dartmouth to replace old steam equipment with ultra-efficient heat pumps.

Electrical Resilience
Dartmouth’s electrical grid needs updates in order to support our new heat pump equipment powered by electricity.

Thermal Storage
Building thermal storage allows us to store some of the unused heat we have collected with the heat pump and solar thermal technologies and use it at a later date.

Solar Thermal and PV
To supplement Dartmouth’s heating and cooling load, we are using renewable technologies like solar thermal and solar photovoltaic (PV) panels.
More about how it works

Dartmouth’s energy strategy centers around four main principles: Reduce energy demand, steam to hot water transition, carbon-free heat sources, and zero-carbon electricity.

Geo-exchange is a highly efficient technology that is part of an updated system that helps heat and cool campus buildings.

Steam to Hot Water Transition
To use technologies like geo-exchange, we are updating piping that routes heating and cooling throughout campus.